Uttarakhand’s daughter on a new path…brought the state on the big screen

The daughter of the hills, who is trying to show the qualities of a small state on the big screen, is making a new path, the purpose of which is to introduce the country and the world to the beauty, culture and tradition of this place. The desire of this daughter to see a strong Uttarakhand on the world level can be gauged from the fact that whether it is a national or international platform, the beginning of her speech definitely leaves an impression of Devbhoomi on the hearts of the people. We are talking about Aarushi Nishank.
Aarushi Nishank is an actress as well as a Kathak dancer. As the co-founder of Sparsh Ganga Abhiyan, she is working for environmental protection. And has been a vocal supporter of women’s empowerment. Recently, she is now seen as a producer-director.
Special points of Aarushi’s speech
…I am from the state which is called Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. I am from the state which is the birthplace of Ganga. It is the father of Ayurveda. The state which gave birth to brave warriors like Bharat, after whom the whole of India was named. And I am from that state where women saved trees by sticking to them and gave the first example of environment and women empowerment to the whole world by giving the Chipko movement. I feel very proud to be the daughter of such a state. Their love and respect for their state is always visible. In any program, she introduces her state with great pride to the big personalities sitting in the audience and introduces them to Devbhoomi.