The corporation removed illegal carts and kiosks from the road in Dumratarai vegetable market and launched a cleanliness drive

Raipur – Today, on the instructions of Raipur District Collector and Municipal Corporation Administrator Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh, as per the instructions given by Municipal Corporation Commissioner Mr. Abinash Mishra during the inspection of Dumratarai vegetable market, under the leadership of Municipal Corporation Zone 10 Zone Commissioner Mr. Rakesh Sharma, in the presence of Executive Engineer Mr. Dinesh Sinha, Deputy Engineer Urban Investment Mr. Raviprabhat Sahu, in the Dumratarai vegetable market area, the Municipal Corporation Headquarters Urban Investment Flying Squad, Municipal Corporation Zone 10 Urban Investment Department conducted a joint campaign and took action to remove illegal carts and kiosks from the road. Along with this, the Health Department and Municipal Corporation Zone 10 team jointly conducted a special cleanliness campaign in the Dumratarai vegetable market area on the instructions of Additional Commissioner Mr. Rajendra Prasad Gupta and Corporation Health Officer Dr. Tripti Panigrahi and maintained cleanliness.