Teenager made 20 youths HIV patients

In Gularghati area, HIV infected teenager put about 20 youths on the path of AIDS in 17 months. When these youths reached the hospital after their body became lethargic, they were also found HIV positive. In response to the counselor’s questions, only that teenager was mentioned. It was told that the teenager is addicted to smack, she woos the youths to arrange money for it.
HIV positive cases have increased in the entire Nainital district, but if we look at the figures, Ramnagar’s name is coming on top. In Ramnagar, 45 people were found HIV positive in 17 months. From April 2023 to March 2024, 26 new patients were found in a year, after which 19 people have been infected with HIV from April to October. These include 30 men and 15 women. Out of these 30 men, 20 youths have been infected by this teenager.
New revelations were made during the interrogation of counsellor Manisha Khulbe with the people who came for treatment at the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) of Ram Dutt Joshi Joint Hospital. It was found that the wives of the young men who were married also got infected with HIV later. These are also included in the 15 women included in the data.
This is how they got infected
The interrogation of the counsellor revealed that a 17-year-old girl from a poor Muslim family in Gularghati area had become addicted to smack. Whenever the girl needed money to fulfill her addiction, she lured the young men and called them to her. The young men did not know about this for a long time. Taking advantage of the weakness of the girl, they kept coming to her and having physical relations. They never even talked to each other about their health. It was only when the name of one girl came up during the interrogation of the counsellor that it was found that it was the same girl who had spread HIV.