Rajdhani News: Attractive stall of Jail Emporium in ITM University
Rajdhani News: Attractive stall of Jail Emporium in ITM University

Raipur. The Center for Socio Legal Services of ITM University, Naya Raipur, has set up an attractive stall of Jail Emporium for the exhibition of artefacts under the auspices of the District Legal Services Authority in its university campus under the annual festival Urja 2024. In order to continuously discharge the educational social responsibilities of ITM University, artistic wooden works, daily useful clothes, furniture, carpets and other decorative items made from Khadi, Jute and other forest produce made by the prisoners of the Central Jail of the capital and the children of Children’s Home Mana Camp. Many stalls are being set up. On the first day of this exhibition, a lot of enthusiasm was seen among the students, professors and university officials for shopping of various items made by the jail inmates. Director General of ITM University Lakshmi Murthy, Heads of Departments and professors of various schools benefited from this exhibition. Here he purchased many daily useful items including handicraft carpets. Dr. Prashant Rahangdale, Associate Professor, School of Law, said that this unprecedented program in the direction of social responsibility in a university of Chhattisgarh has been done by ITM University for the first time. Active initiative and guidance of Honorable Judge and Secretary of District Legal Services Authority Praveen Mishra, Advocate and District Legal Services Authority member Ashutosh Shukla, Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Sumer Singh, Director General Lakshmi Murthy, Head of School of Law Professor Jalis Subhan. This two-day program is going to conclude from. Monica Alam, in-charge of Jail Emporium, said that the amount received from the sale of artefacts made by the convicted prisoners of the Central Jail is given as remuneration to the prisoners so that after completing their sentence, they can join the mainstream of the society and promote this art. Can earn a living through skills. In making the program successful, Prof. There was cooperation from Shyamali Naidu, Suryakant Sahu, Yaghvendra Singh, Harsha Mishra.