Raipur city level implementation committee meeting under National Clean Air Program on December 30

Raipur: A meeting of Raipur city level implementation committee constituted under the direction of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India has been called on 30th December at Raipur Municipal Corporation Headquarters. The meeting will be held on Monday at 12 noon.
The meeting will be attended by Raipur, Birgaon Municipal Corporation Commissioner, Joint Director Urban Administration, Regional Officer, Environment Protection Board, General Manager District Industries Center, Regional Transport Officer, Additional Superintendent of Police-Traffic, Food Controller Raipur, Executive Engineer Swachh Bharat Mission, Executive Engineer 15th Finance Commission, Executive Engineer Garden and Health Officer of Municipal Corporation. In the meeting, there will be a detailed discussion to achieve the objectives of National Clean Air Program as per the instructions of Government of India and future strategy will be prepared.