
From melon to papaya, prepare fruit facials with these fruits.

From melon to papaya, prepare fruit facials with these fruits.

We use many types of beauty products and also spend money in parlors for clean and glowing skin. But we do not get the results we want because our skin wants nourishment. Which cannot be found in chemical beauty products at all.

Therefore, today we have brought for you the recipes of 5 such homemade fruit facials, which will not only make your skin glowing but will also give many other benefits along with removing tanning. So let us know how to prepare this homemade facial and give your face a flawless glow.


Banana works to clean our skin from inside to outside. It has exfoliating and anti-aging properties which nourish our skin and remove dead skin. You can mash the banana and use it directly on the face. Apart from this, banana peel can be rubbed on the face.


In the summer season, melon has as many benefits for the skin as it does for the body. It is rich in vitamins A, C and E which hydrate, nourish and brighten the skin. Prepare facial like this-

Vitamin C is present in orange which is very beneficial for our skin. The antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties present in it keep bacteria away from the face and work to give glow. If you want, you can also use orange peels by drying them and then grinding them into powder.

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