Madhya Pradesh

Create an integrated employment state portal of all departments: Chief Minister Dr. Yadav

Bhopal. Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that the government is committed to providing self-employment and employment to the youth of the state according to their qualifications. It is necessary to develop skills for employment and self-employment among the youth. Prepare an integrated employment state portal of all the departments providing employment to bring the demand for employment in the industry in the state, necessary skill development, information about government schemes and training on one platform. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav was holding a review meeting regarding employment and self-employment in Samatva Bhavan of the Chief Minister’s residence on Saturday. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav reviewed 11 departments working for self-employment and employment generation. Along with reviewing the efforts for self-employment and employment generation in the last 10 months, a detailed discussion was held on the action plan for employment generation in the next 4 years. This included Panchayat and Rural Development, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion, Science and Technology, Urban Development and Housing, Horticulture and Food Processing, Labor Department, Cottage and Village Industries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy, Farmer Welfare and Agricultural Development, Technical Education, Skill Development and Employment Department.

Youth will get complete information related to employment and self-employment on a single portal

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that information about all aspects related to employment including number of employment, application process, information about schemes, qualification, training, number of employment available in the industry, login of industry should be displayed on the Integrated Employment State Portal. This will enable the youth to get complete information related to employment and self-employment at one place. Along with reviewing the efforts of all the departments, information about the actual beneficiaries will be available. This portal will also be linked to the Samagra Portal. Instructions were given to form a joint committee of Science and Technology Department, MSME, Labor Department and Skill Development and Employment Department for the necessary action for the creation of Integrated Employment State Portal.

Follow up with investors regularly and give necessary permissions on time

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that in the interactive sessions held in different states and in the Regional Industry Conclave at the divisional level in the state, many companies have shown commitment regarding setting up of new units, MoUs and investment. Follow up with all those investors regularly. Provide all necessary permissions on time by handholding them. Every department should set a target by self-evaluating and complete it on time.

All departments should work in mutual coordination and in an integrated manner

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that take inspiration from the good work being done in skill development and employment generation in a district and implement it in other districts as well. All departments should share their skill development, start-up policy, investment policy and investment opportunities with each other. Work in mutual coordination and in an integrated manner to generate employment opportunities in the state and give real benefits. Departments should make plans for marketing and branding support as per the requirement of their products. Make special efforts for the development of start-ups and their support system. The progress of self-employment and employment generation work of the departments will be reviewed every three months.

muskan s

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