Bhupesh says that Rajiv Yuva Mitra Club’s work has stopped and that is why crimes are increasing: Shivratan

Was Bhupesh government nurturing criminals in the name of Rajiv Mitan Club? – Shivratan Sharma
Congress has been a refuge for criminals and Baghel government was their patron – Shivratan Sharma
Who was running two liquor counters in Bhupesh Raj and where was the money of the second counter going? – Shivratan Sharma
Raipur. State Vice President of Bharatiya Janata Party Shivratan Sharma has strongly countered the statement of former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel regarding criminals and drug abuse in the state and asked that after pushing the state into the abyss of crime, drug abuse and all undesirable and anti-social activities, how can Baghel speak on these issues today? Mr. Sharma said that Bhupesh Baghel is troubled that most of the youth of Rajiv Mitan Club have become unemployed, hence crime and drug abuse are increasing, so should it be believed that Bhupesh government was nurturing the criminals of the state in the name of this club?
BJP State Vice President Mr. Sharma said that BJP has been saying from the beginning that Congress people are involved in every crime. Now Bhupesh Baghel has also accepted this and has endorsed our allegation. He himself is calling the youth of Rajiv Mitan Club criminals. And, if those people are not criminals then Baghel should apologize. BJP has been calling Congress a refuge of criminals from the beginning and Baghel’s government was their patron. Mr. Sharma said that now Baghel should also clarify whether his pain is about increasing crime and drug addiction, or mostly about stopping the maintenance of organized gangs of criminals and drug addicts on government money in the name of Rajiv Mitan Club? Mr. Sharma said that former Chief Minister Baghel, who boasted of not allowing even a leaf of ganja to enter Chhattisgarh, should also tell the state how ganja, opium and other intoxicants worth crores of rupees were reaching Chhattisgarh through smuggling during the Congress rule, were being sold and were ruining the lives of the youth as well as teenagers of the state?
BJP State Vice President Mr. Sharma said that even during the tragedy of the Corona period, the Bhupesh government, which was completely eager to sell liquor in the state, not only pushed the state into the abyss of addiction, but even fake liquor continued to be sold under the patronage of the Bhupesh government, people kept losing their lives. Now will Baghel tell the state who was running two liquor counters in his rule and where was the money of the second counter going? Mr. Sharma said that in the cow shelters whose closure Baghel is mourning today, instead of cow protection and nutrition, did the people of Rajiv Mitan Club not organize parties and consume liquor and intoxicants? When the Tehsildar had taken action in a case of illegal sand mining, which woman MLA of Congress had threatened the Tehsildar and raised a lot of hue and cry to get him released, does Baghel need to be reminded of this? Was Baghel really unaware of the role of most of the people of Rajiv Mitan Club in this case? Shri Sharma said that today Baghel’s concern about crime and drug abuse is just a sham, the state also knows this and Baghel’s conscience is also well aware of this.