Ground Cover Roses: Ground cover roses typically have a low, spreading habit which makes them ideal for covering larger areas without overwhelming the garden's design.

China Roses: These roses were admired primarily for their repeat flowering capabilities. Furthermore they are famous for bringing crimson to the colour palette.

Hybrid Tea Roses: Hybrid tea roses are often what we imagine for a classic rose used by florists. Their large, high-centered blooms are made up of dozens of petals and are held on tall, upright stems.

Wild Roses : Wild roses (also known as species roses) mostly have thorny stems, single, often fragrant, early summer flowers, usually in one flush, followed by fruits ('hips') if flowers are not deadheaded.

Polyantha Roses : Polyantha roses are compact, dwarf shrubs with closely packed bunches of small usually semi-double or double flowers in colours including white, cream, peach, shades of pink or red.

Floribunda Roses : Smaller than a typical hybrid tea but less compact and sprawling than your usual polyantha.

Climbing & Rambling Roses: These are generally have large blooms on not too vigorous, rather stiff growth and most repeat flower.

English Roses : This is one of the most beautiful flowers, It has beautiful petals and a stem that is usually full of thorns.