Side effect of using earphone for a longer time 

Dizziness Do you listen to music or talk through earphones? Then, you should limit its usage, as loud noise can lead to increased pressure in the ear canal. This, in turn, will make you feel dizzy

Hearing loss By letting your earphones stay plugged in for a longer period, you will end up harming yourself. You will be shocked to know that unsafe listening habits via earphones can lead to permanent or temporary hearing loss

Ear infections Earphones are directly plugged into the ear canal and block the air passage. This can invite ear infections. Using earphones leads to the growth of bacteria and it stays on the earphones

Ear wax “Do you have a habit of using earphones while traveling or while working? Then, beware that using earphones for a longer duration will lead to the development of ear wax that raises the risk of ear infection, hearing problem, or tinnitus

 Ear pain If you are using poorly-fitted earphones, then this problem can be faced by you. Or do you use earphones for a long time? Then you are doing it all wrong, as doing so can cause pain and soreness in the inner ear

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) Too much noise can steal your peace of mind. NIHL may occur not only owing to loud noise but using earphones for a long time

Tinnitus Loud noise can damage the hair cells in your cochlea causing a roaring or ringing noise in the ear or even head. This noise is called tinnitus