
The story of the immortal sacrifice of Guru Govind Singh’s brave Sahibzadas will be included in the school curriculum of Chhattisgarh

Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai made a big announcement on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas

The Chief Minister said – The story of the sacrifice of Sahibzadas will inspire the young generation to move forward with courage

The Chief Minister attended the seminar organized on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas

Raipur 26 December 2024: The story of the immortal sacrifice of Guru Govind Singh Ji’s Veer Sahibzadas Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji will now be taught to the school children of Chhattisgarh. This story of the valor of Veer Sahibzadas will inspire the youth of the country to move forward with courage. Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai made this big announcement while addressing the intellectual seminar organized in the Medical College Auditorium of the capital Raipur on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas today. He remembered Guru Govind Singh and Veer Sahibzadas and said that we should adopt their teachings and connect the new generation with their ideals. During this, the Chief Minister also watched an animated film based on the biography of Veer Sahibzadas.

Chief Minister Shri Sai said that Veer Bal Diwas reminds us of the great Sikh tradition of the sacrifices of the Sikh Gurus for the protection of the nation. We should tell the inspiring stories of such great brave sons to our children and society. He thanked Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for announcing to celebrate the martyrdom of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Sahibzadas Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh Ji as Veer Bal Diwas. Shri Sai said that every generation of India will always remember the sacrifice of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his Sahibzadas. We get inspiration from Veer Bal Diwas to live for the country and sacrifice our lives for the country when needed. He said that Veer Bal Diwas also reminds us of the unity and integrity of the nation.

Chief Minister Shri Sai said that the forces that break the society are active in every era. But no one can even raise an eye towards the land where brave people like Shri Guru Gobind Singh and his Sahibzadas Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh will be born. He said that Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh are not the source of inspiration for any one religion or sect. They are exemplary for the whole of India. Shri Sai said that the character of India has basically been of social harmony. Fanaticism and madness never found a place in our country. Our state Chhattisgarh is the best example of that. He said that we are celebrating the silver jubilee year of the establishment of Chhattisgarh. We have taken a pledge of developed Chhattisgarh. This pledge will be fulfilled only through social harmony.

Chief Minister Shri Sai said that Chhattisgarh is known throughout the country for its social harmony, peace and harmony. Its roots have to be deepened further.

The keynote speaker of the seminar organized on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas, Shri Prem Shankar Sidar said that India is a religious country. When injustice increases in the country, the great men here stand up for protection. Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji are the youngest martyrs of the world. They remained steadfast on religion even in the face of death. He said that the life force of India is its soul. We get inspiration from the great men of the country that we have to take care of the country. Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Baba Fateh Singh Ji were told by their mothers the story of the sacrifices of their elders. These children gave the message that death is also a victory through their sacrifice. Shri Sidar said that these incidents should be discussed in every household of India so that our new generation gets inspiration from them. On this occasion, MP Shri Brijmohan Agarwal, MLA Shri Kiran Dev, MLA Shri Sunil Soni, MLA Shri Purandar Mishra, MLA Shri Motilal Sahu, Shri Purnendu Saxena, Shri Pawan Sai, Shri Parminder Singh Bhatia, Gyani Baj Singh Ji, Shri Bhupesh Savnani, followers of the Sikh community, enlightened citizens and school children were present.


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