The dice of age will turn and you will look young forever

Be it a man or a woman, everyone wants to look a few years younger than their age, for which some people apply anti-aging creams, while some try to reduce their age by improving their diet. But there is another way that can help you look young.
We are talking about yoga, which along with curing many diseases of the body, also helps in making the skin glowing and young. But there are some fixed yogasanas for this too, so today in this article we are going to tell you about 3 such asanas which will take you just 5 minutes to do and the effect will also be excellent.
Surya Namaskar is a yogasana which stretches our entire body, which is very beneficial for our body. If we say that this yogasana is beneficial in keeping both the body and the skin young, then it will not be wrong either. Let us know the right way to do Surya Namaskar which has many benefits.
First of all, stand straight on the yoga mat with folded hands.
Now stand with your hands raised and then bend forward and touch your feet with your hands.
Now take one leg back and bend forward.
While doing this, lift the body upwards with the help of elbows and feet.
After this, lift the body up and bend backwards.
Now bend the body downwards and take the feet backwards.
After this, take the other leg back and bend forward and touch the feet with hands by bending forward.
Now stand up again with your hands raised and complete Surya Namaskar by standing with folded hands.
Chakrasana i.e. Wheel Pose, which is a yogasana that stretches our entire body and makes it strong. It also helps in improving blood circulation. Apart from this, it not only makes the body flexible but it has many other health benefits, one of which is anti-aging.