
Survey: Those who do not know English are called backward in India

Survey: Those who do not know English are called backward in India

Survey: Those who do not know English are called backward in IndiaToday English has become the language of higher and technical education, livelihood and power. That means, if you want to move ahead and be successful then you must know English. Not knowing English is now a sign of backwardness. If English is considered the criterion of development, then the socio-economic condition of the country can be estimated from its status in India. Recently, Lok Foundation and Oxford University tried to understand the demography of English in India through a sample survey. It is really interesting that the findings regarding English are in accordance with the general perception prevalent in the society about this language.

According to this, only 6 percent people of the country can speak English, whereas in the 2011 census, 10 percent people said that they speak English. English is still mainly the language of the cities. 12 percent of the urban people surveyed were English speaking while only 3 percent of the rural people were able to speak English. English is directly related to class. 41 percent of the rich people surveyed could speak English while only 2 percent of the poor could speak English.

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