Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Do’s and Don’ts

If you are at home/workplace
Watch for changing colors of dark skies and increasing wind velocity. Be cautious if you hear thunder. Avoid coming in contact with lightning. Monitor local media for updated instructions. Stay indoors and avoid travel if possible. Close windows and doors, and secure objects outside your home (such as furniture, boxes, etc.) Make sure children and pets are inside. Unplug unnecessary electrical appliances. Remove tree wood or any other debris that could cause an accident.
Avoid taking baths or showers and stay away from running water. This is because lightning can flow along metal pipes. Keep away from doors, windows, fireplaces, stoves or any other electrical conductors. Avoid using corded phones and other electrical equipment that may conduct electricity.
If you are outdoors (in open ground)
Immediately move to safe shelter. Avoid shelters such as metal structures/constructions with metal sheets. Ideally, seek shelter in a low-lying area and ensure that the chosen location is beyond the possibility of flooding. Keep feet together and head down to make yourself a smaller position. Hair standing up on the back of your neck may indicate that lightning is imminent. Do not stand flat on the ground. This will make a bigger target. Stay away from all utility lines (phone, power, etc.), metal fences, trees and hills. Do not take shelter under trees as these conduct electricity. Rubber-soled shoes and car tires do not provide protection from lightning.
If you are traveling/traveling/on the road
Stay away from bicycles, motorcycles or vehicles that may attract lightning. Find safe shelter. If boating or swimming, get off as soon as possible and take safe shelter. During a storm, stay in your vehicle until help arrives or the storm has passed (metal roofs provide protection if you are not touching metal inside). Vehicle windows should be closed and vehicle should be parked away from trees/power lines.
Take a person who has been struck by lightning to a hospital, give first aid if possible. People struck by lightning have no electrical charge and can be handled safely.
Check for broken bones, hearing and vision loss. A lightning victim may suffer from varying degrees of burns, check the affected body part for injuries.