Madhya Pradesh

Ratification of 35 percent reservation to women in civil services

Bhopal. A meeting of the Council of Ministers was held in the Ministry under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. The Council of Ministers ratified the Madhya Pradesh Civil Services (Special Provisions for the Appointment of Women) Rules, 1997, the Chief Minister’s order dated 13.09.2023 and the notification issued by the department in compliance with this dated October 3, 2023. With this decision, women reservation will be 35 percent.

Approval for establishment of 254 new fertilizer sales centers

The Council of Ministers decided that the state government will reimburse the actual amount of the possible expenditure on human resources up to a maximum limit of Rs 1 crore 72 lakh on setting up 254 new fertilizer sales centers in the year 2024-25 (in Kharif and Rabi seasons).

Feasibility Study for Establishment of New Ultra Super Critical Unit of 660 MW Capacity

The Council of Ministers decided to retire (de-commission) the units installed in Power House No. 2 (410 MW) and Power House No. 3 (420 MW) of Satpura Thermal Power Station, Sarni of M.P. Power Generating Company Limited. It is noteworthy that Unit No. 6 and 7 (200 + 210 MW) located in Power House No. 2 of Satpura Thermal Power Station, Sarni of M.P. Power Generating Company Limited and Unit No. 8 and 9 (2X210 MW) located in Power House No. 3 have completed their designed life. These units have been in operation for about 39 to 44 years. In view of the condition and performance of these units, M.P. The Council of Ministers has granted the permission sought by Power Generating Company Limited to retire (de-commission) these units.

As per the decision, permission has been granted to retire (de-commission) units number 6 to 9 (total capacity 830 MW) located in power house number 2 and 3 of Satpura Thermal Power Station, Sarni from 30 September 2024. The retired (de-commissioned) units will be disposed of through e-auction. A feasibility study will be conducted by M.P. Power Generating Company Limited for the establishment of a new ultra super critical unit (unit number 13) of 660 MW capacity in place of these units.

Decision to increase age limit

Keeping in view the shortage of medical teachers in new government medical colleges, the Council of Ministers has approved increasing the maximum age limit for appointment to the vacant posts of Assistant Professor from 40 years to 50 years.

Recognition of Co-medical Courses

Keeping pending the proceedings of repealing the M.P. Co-Medical Council Act, 2000, the recognition process for the academic session 2023-24 and upcoming sessions, as well as registration of personnel passing co-medical courses and conducting examinations of certificate courses as per the previously prevalent M.P. As per the rules prevalent under the Co-Medical Council Act, 2000, after the revival of the previously dissolved Madhya Pradesh Co-Medical Council and its completion and after the National Commission issues the regulations provided under the Act, the revived Madhya Pradesh Co-Medical Council will automatically end after the formation of autonomous boards by the Madhya Pradesh Allied and Health Care Council as per the regulations and as per the earlier decision of the Council of Ministers, the Council of Ministers approved the action to repeal the Madhya Pradesh Co-Medical Council Act, 2000.

Other decisions

The Council of Ministers gave in-principle approval to the project for computerization of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies Office of the state under the centrally sponsored project “Strengthening of Cooperatives through IT Interventions” implemented by the Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India. An expenditure of Rs. 3 crore 68 lakh will be incurred on this, of which 60 percent amount will be borne by the Center and 40 percent amount by the State Government.

editor ji

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