Raipur. Municipal Corporation Raipur Commissioner Mr. Abinash Mishra has directed all the zone commissioners, revenue officers, assistant revenue officers of the Municipal Corporation to campaign for recovery of outstanding revenue from all the big defaulters strictly as per the rules in all the 70 wards of all the 10 zones of the Municipal Corporation Raipur. Giving top priority to the interest of Municipal Corporation Raipur, instructions have been given to ensure continuity and in case of non-payment of dues in the institutions of big defaulters, to take action of sealing and attachment against the concerned defaulters. As per the instructions of the Commissioner, the teams of the Revenue Department of all the 10 zones are continuously running an intensive campaign every day in the presence of Zone Commissioners, Revenue Officers, Assistant Revenue Officers to recover the outstanding revenue from the defaulters.
Today, the team of Municipal Corporation Zone 7 Revenue Department started the process of sealing the defaulter’s institution in Shaheed Manmohan Singh Bakshi ward number 23 of the zone. As soon as the sealing proceedings started, the concerned defaulter immediately paid Rs 209027 to the corporation. Paid the entire dues through check and kept himself safe from proceedings.
Zone 1 Revenue Department team collected Rs 493915 from the year 2020-21. Due to non-payment of dues to the Corporation by the operator of Lakshmi Plastics Gandwara, action was taken to seal the institute. The team of Zone 8 Revenue Department has collected Rs. 673514 from the year 2017-18 in ward number 69 of the zone. After giving the final notice as per the rules of recovery of dues to Ramakrishna College, the recovery process was started. During this period, the corporation’s team received Rs 454292 at the immediate site in the concerned institute. The outstanding revenue amount was paid through cheque. As per the instructions of the Commissioner, the campaign will continue by the Revenue Department teams of all the 10 zones, giving top priority to the interest of the Municipal Corporation. The Municipal Corporation Revenue Department has once again appealed to all the defaulters to immediately pay the entire amount of outstanding revenue to the Municipal Corporation Revenue Department team and be safe from the inconvenience of the proceedings. Otherwise, sealing and attachment proceedings will be carried out aggressively as per rules.