Madhya Pradesh

MP NEWS: New strategy to increase energy security and efficiency

MP NEWS: New strategy to increase energy security and efficiency

Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh government has started working on a new strategy to provide energy security and increase capacity to increase happiness in the lives of common citizens and enrich the economic life. The state government is fully committed to the development and expansion of the power sector. All necessary steps are being taken under the guidance of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. Non-agricultural consumers are getting quality electricity for 24 hours and agricultural consumers are getting 10 hours of quality electricity every day.

The available power capacity has reached 21840 MW. On December 29, 2023, the highest peak demand of 17586 MW in the history of the state was fulfilled. Work has started on the strategy to increase the available power capacity by 1007 MW in the remaining months of the financial year 2023-24 and by 5008 MW during 2024-25.

Power companies have done many remarkable works to strengthen the power system and power system. These include increase in available power capacity of 184 MW, establishment of 12 new ultra high pressure sub-stations, construction of 636 circuit km ultra high pressure lines, construction of 23 new 33/11 KV. The major ones are establishment of sub-stations, construction of 606 km 33 KV and 884 km 11 KV lines and installation of 2373 distribution transformers. A total of 7335 crore units of electricity was supplied between April and December 2023, which is 545 crore units i.e. 8 percent more than the same period last year.

huge benefits to consumers

Many schemes have been launched in the interest of consumers. Under Atal Grih Jyoti Yojana, the benefit of the scheme is being given to all such domestic consumers of the state, whose monthly consumption is up to 150 units. Eligible consumers are being given a maximum bill of Rs 100 for the consumption of the first 100 units. The difference amount is being given to the distribution companies as subsidy. The scheme covers consumer category LV with monthly consumption up to 30 units of combined load up to 100 watts. A bill of Rs 25 per month is being given to SC/ST consumers living below the poverty line of 1.1. The state government gave a subsidy of Rs 8082 crore to the distribution companies for the scheme in the year 2022-23. There is a provision of subsidy of Rs 4690 crore in the budget for the year 2023-24. About 103 lakh domestic consumers are getting benefits from this scheme every month.

Under Atal Krishi Jyoti Yojana, unmetered permanent agricultural pump connections up to 10 horse power are getting electricity at a flat rate of Rs 750 per horse power per year and unmetered permanent agricultural pump connections more than 10 horse power are getting electricity at a flat rate of Rs 1500 per horse power per year. Apart from this, concession in monthly fixed charges and energy charges has also been given to metered permanent agricultural pump connections and temporary metered and unmetered agricultural pump connections up to 10 horse power. About 26 lakh agricultural consumers are getting benefits from this scheme. Subsidy of Rs 12995 crore was given to distribution companies in the year 2022-23. A provision of Rs 11520 crore has been made in the budget for the year 2023-24.

In the interest of farmers, free electricity is being given to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe farmers having land up to 1 hectare and agricultural pumps up to 5 horse power. To compensate for this, the state government provided a subsidy of Rs 4997 crore to the distribution companies in the year 2022-23 and a provision of Rs 5775 crore has been made in the budget for this in the year 2023-24. About 9.36 lakh agricultural consumers are getting benefit from this.

In view of the demand of farmers/groups of farmers to provide permanent agricultural pump connections, “Mukhyamantri Krishak Mitra Yojana” has been implemented. 3 HP of farmer/group of farmers. For permanent pump connection of higher capacity, the distribution company will provide 11 KV up to a distance of 200 meters. Line extension and distribution transformer will be installed. Only 50 percent of the infrastructure development cost will be borne by the concerned farmers/groups of farmers. This scheme will remain effective for 2 years. The target is to provide 10,000 pump connections under the scheme in the first year.

Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS)

Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) has been implemented by the Ministry of Power, Government of India with the aim of providing quality electricity. The objective of the scheme is to reduce the overall technical and commercial losses of distribution companies and to bridge the gap between per unit cost of electricity and revenue.

In the scheme, there is a provision to give 15 percent amount by the Central Government as grant for prepaid meter and system metering work and 60 percent amount for upgradation and strengthening of power infrastructure to power distribution companies.

This scheme is to be completed by the year 2025-26. The scheme includes proposed works for reduction in prepaid smart metering and system metering distribution losses and works for system strengthening and modernization. The state government has approved an action plan worth approximately Rs 24,170 crore. About 2.64 lakh smart meters have been installed and work orders worth about Rs 7794 crore have been issued for creating infrastructure to reduce distribution losses. Out of this, works worth approximately Rs 875 crore have been done.

Under Self-reliant Madhya Pradesh-2023, construction of very high pressure substations and related lines through tariff based competitive tenders for expansion of transmission system to supply future electricity demand.

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