MP NEWS: Illegal trafficking of wildlife, accused’s bail canceled
MP NEWS: Illegal trafficking of wildlife, accused's bail canceled

Bhopal. Deputy Forest Conservator Wildlife said that on February 14, 2024, 05 accused of the gang involved in illegal smuggling of wildlife on the Bijwad-Kataphod road were arrested and the wildlife Redsandboa 02 no. registered in the schedule was arrested. Schedule- . Indian Flipshell Turtle 03 nos., Locket 01 nos. of wild animal’s nail and Motor Cycle 02 nos. were captured by the Indore unit of State Tiger Strike Force (STSF) Madhya Pradesh in a siege. The bail of the accused detained in jail has been canceled by the Honorable Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Indore on 19 February 2024. Deputy Forest Conservator said that the accused had filed a bail petition in the District and Sessions Court, Indore and without giving the accused the benefit of the judicial precedent “Arnesh Kumar vs. State of Bihar”, the Supreme Court, New Delhi, had issued SLP (Criminal) 5955/2022. In the context of the order passed in the year 2017 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 in Kamlesh versus State of Madhya Pradesh and Jamaluddin Halde of the Honorable High Court of Bombay under Forest Act 1927 in the year 2017 and the evidence received in this case, the facts of the case are taken into consideration. Keeping this in mind, the bail of the said accused was canceled by the Indore Court.