
Make effective arrangements to resolve the applications received in public problem resolution camps: Arun Sao

Make effective arrangements to resolve the applications received in public problem resolution camps: Arun Sao

Raipur. Deputy Chief Minister and Urban Administration and Development Minister Arun Saw today reviewed the Public Problem Resolution Fortnight started from July 27 in all the urban bodies of the state with senior departmental officials. In a meeting held through video conferencing, he directed the commissioners of all municipal corporations and chief municipal officers of municipalities and Nagar Panchayats to make effective arrangements to resolve the applications received in public problem resolution camps. He asked the officials of all departments of urban bodies to work in accordance with public expectations. He directed to make a plan in the wider interest to solve the problems of cities and develop public facilities. Secretary of Urban Administration Department Dr. Basavaraju S. and Director Kundan Kumar also attended the review meeting.

Deputy Chief Minister Arun Saw gave instructions for the smooth conduct of ward-wise camps organized under the Public Problem Resolution Fortnight in the meeting. He asked the officials to resolve the applications of the people with full sensitivity. He said that the camps being organized in every ward are not camps to take applications. The main objective of these camps is to resolve the applications promptly. Shri Saav congratulated all the commissioners and chief municipal officers for the positive results in the camps. He patted the back of the urban bodies that resolved the problems of the people on the spot in large numbers and encouraged them. He also directed to organize the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada effectively in the remaining days. He also talked about releasing funds for the necessary arrangements in the camps.

Deputy Chief Minister Saav asked to prepare an action plan based on the experience of the camps. He directed to set up stalls in the camps to give the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Swanidhi and Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana to maximum number of people. He asked to do wide publicity of the camps being organized in the wards under the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, so that people get to know about the camp being organized in their ward in advance and they can reach the camp to resolve their problems.

In the review meeting, the officials told that in the first three days of Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, a total of 19 thousand 598 applications have been received across the state. Out of these, 17 thousand 310 applications are related to demands and 2288 applications are related to complaints. About 40 percent i.e. 7747 applications received in the camps have been resolved on the spot. During this, 1092 applications received were related to other departments and hence have been sent to the concerned departments for resolution.

Secretary of Urban Administration and Development Department Dr. Basavaraju S. told the officials in the meeting that the camps organized under Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada are giving very good results. All of you are organizing well. Similarly, work has to be done for 15 days. Along with doing beneficiary-oriented works on the spot, he instructed to immediately solve the problems of community facilities like water, drain, electricity etc. He said that if there is a demand for lease, road, drain, electricity, then a proposal can be sent to do them from any item. Work can also be done from CSR and DMF funds. He asked to invite local public representatives in the camps. State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) CEO Mr. Shashank Pandey, Additional Director of Urban Administration Department Mr. Pulak Bhattacharya and Joint Director Mr. S.K. Sundarani were also present in the review meeting with Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Saw in the Ministry. At the same time, the Commissioners of all Municipal Corporations, Chief Municipal Officers of Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayats and Divisional Joint Directors of the five regional offices of the Urban Administration Department joined the meeting through video conferencing.

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