
Excessive fluoride can ruin health along with teeth

Fluoride is a mineral that is found in many foods as well as water. It strengthens teeth and also protects against cavities. However, it should be consumed in adequate quantities. Fluoride is found in products like toothpaste and mouthwash. Since the amount of fluoride in such products is very low, it is very difficult to detect its toxic level.

Fluoride is not only a mineral of teeth and bones but it is also naturally found in water, soil, plants, air, stones and water. Fluoride is used in dentistry to strengthen the outer layer of teeth i.e. enamel. Apart from America, it is also added to public water supply in many other countries.

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in many foods apart from water. Dentists use it to strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of cavities. Enamel receives minerals every day and it starts decreasing. When the acids formed by bacteria, plaque and sugar in our mouth attack the enamel, the fluoride starts decreasing. However, when we eat things or drink water that contains minerals, we get fluoride, calcium and phosphate.

Types of Fluoride

Fluoride is used to improve dental health. In case of more cavity problem, dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with fluoride. Apart from food items, fluoride is also found in water. If you want, you can also buy toothpaste or mouth wash containing fluoride. Generally, only alcohol and chemical free mouth wash should be used. Dentists can also apply fluoride on your teeth in the following way.

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