
Dream big, work hard to make them come true: MLA Sharma

Dream big, work hard to make them come true: MLA Sharma

Raipur. MLA Padmashree Anuj Sharma and Raipur Division Commissioner Mahadev Kavre attended the Mega Parent Teacher Meeting Campaign started today in the entire state on the initiative of the Chhattisgarh government. Parents of students studying in Saragaon Government School were also present in the meeting. In this meeting, the teachers gave a complete report of every student of the school to their parents. In the meeting, topics ranging from the studies of the students to their personality development, time management, increasing self-confidence to taking advantage of government schemes were discussed in detail. Addressing this meeting, MLA Shri Anuj Sharma said that students should dream big and start working hard from now to make them come true. Shri Sharma said that on the lines of private schools, now parents-teachers meeting has started in government schools as well. Now the complete report of every student will be given to his parents. This will increase the seriousness of the students towards studies as well as have a positive effect on their personality development. He said that even after studying in government schools, one can make a future as IAS, IPS officer, good politician and in other fields. Government school students need to study diligently and work hard with confidence. On this occasion, MLA Shri Sharma also assured to make necessary efforts to start NCC’s Air Wing in the school. He also announced a reward of Rs. 10,000 to Saragaon School student Rishabh Devangan for securing ninth position in the merit list in class 10th.

Those studying in government schools, ashram-shalas can also become IAS, IPS – Divisional Commissioner Shri Kavre

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Encouraging the children in the cluster level parent-teacher meeting organized in Saragaon Government School, Divisional Commissioner Mahadev Kavre said that not only the students of private schools, but also the students of forest areas studying in government schools and ashram-shalas can become big officers like IAS, IPS.

ये खबर भी पढ़ें : भारतीय हॉकी टीम ने लगातार दूसरी बार सेमीफाइनल में बनाई जगह

While talking to the children, Divisional Commissioner Shri Kavre also shared many incidents of his childhood and experiences related to studies. He told that despite living in a remote forest area like Bijapur and studying in a government school, he is working as an IAS officer today. He told that earlier such parent-teacher meetings did not take place. The entire responsibility of the teachers was to teach the students and the teachers used to teach the students in their own way. Shri Kavre advised all the students to set goals and work hard. He also informed the parents about the efforts and programs and schemes being made by the government for the development and expansion of education. Shri Kavre appealed to the students and parents to take maximum benefit of the government schemes.

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Tree plantation was done in the school premises under the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam Abhiyan, Nafisa became MLA representative- Under the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam Abhiyan, MLA Shri Anuj Sharma and Divisional Commissioner Shri Mahadev Kavre also planted trees in the Saragaon Government School premises. Mr. Sharma appointed school student Kumari Nafisa as his representative for the school. He also entrusted all the students with the responsibility of taking care of the plants planted in the school premises, watering them with fertilizers and making them big trees under the leadership of Nafisa.

ये खबर भी पढ़ें : आईएएस महादेव कावरे ने रायपुर संभागायुक्त का किया पदभार ग्रहण

55 students got bicycles, MLA advised to ride cycles cautiously- In the parent-teacher meeting organized in Saragaon Government School, MLA Anuj Sharma also gave free bicycles to 55 students under the Saraswati Cycle Scheme. He advised the students to ride cycles cautiously. Mr. Sharma said that students are the future of the country. Every student is the hope of his family, village, state and country. Therefore, it is their moral responsibility to keep themselves safe and study diligently, to participate in the development of the country.

ये खबर भी पढ़ें : वायनाड में आपदा : सहायता के लिए उन्नत हल्के हेलीकॉप्टर और आईसीजी जहाज अभिनव तैनात

They got awards

During the parent-teacher meeting organized in Saragaon Government School, ideal teachers and parents along with brilliant students were also awarded. Brilliant students of the school, Kumari Durga Sahu, Kumari Dhara Pal, Pratik Verma, Poorvi Verma were awarded. Akram Singh was also honoured as an ideal parent and Bisoha Devangan and Mangalram Sahu were honoured as ideal teachers. During the programme, Shivam Kumar Sahu, a student of class 6 suffering from cerebral palsy studying in the school, was also given a special kit for studies.

ये खबर भी पढ़ें : शहर से कचरे का उठाव तुरंत करें, कंडम गाड़ियों की वजह से बाधित ना हो यातायात जल्द हटाएं: कलेक्टर डॉ. गौरव सिंह

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