
Clean Air Survey-2024 results announced

Raipur made it to the top 10 cities of the country

Raipur: The results of Clean Air Survey-2024 have been declared today by the Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Government of India. In this survey, Raipur has secured its place in the top-10 cities and has secured the eighth position in the competition of 41 cities with a population of more than 10 lakh. This survey was conducted by the Central Government on the basis of several parameters like dust free environment, curbing the tendency of burning garbage, disposal of construction and demolition residue, air quality level and effective conduct of awareness activities. According to Mr. Abinash Mishra, Commissioner of Municipal Corporation Raipur, on the basis of inter-departmental coordination on the instructions of Collector and Corporation Administrator Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh, to ensure clean air quality, Birgaon and Raipur Municipal Corporations, Environment Protection Board, CSIDC, Transport, Traffic and Police Departments are working together.

This time focus is being laid on several innovations like continuous water sprinkling to reduce dust, BT and CC road construction, end to end paving, reuse of construction and demolition waste from C&D processing plant, maximum plantation of trees. Apart from this, the scope of night road cleaning by mechanical method has been increased to 152 km. Checking of vehicles spreading pollution has been started. Strategy based IEC activities are also being conducted for awareness programmes. He said that Raipur has got the benefit of all these efforts in this survey. The top-10 cities in this ranking include Surat, Jabalpur, Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur, Vadodara, Indore, Bhopal, Vijayawada, Ahmedabad and Delhi. The Government of India conducts this survey to make people aware of air quality improvement programmes, alert everyone about the ill effects of pollution, do comparative study of air quality and achieve the goal of clean air for all.


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