Cg news : Valedictory Session held of Three Days International Conference at SRU
Cg news : Valedictory Session held of Three Days International Conference at SRU

More than 100 delegates presented research papers through online and offline medium…
Under the aegis of Inter-University Center for Yogic Sciences (IUC-YS) Bengaluru, the three-day international conference on “Yoga Venture: Embarking the journey of Body, Mind and Soul” organized by the Department of Yoga, Faculty of Arts. In this three-day conference more than 250 delegates were registered to join the conference in which more than 100 delegates were present their research papers. Souvenir also released that was based on the theme of the conference in which all research papers were included.
In the valedictory session of the conference the chief guest Prof. Rajesh Singh, senior professor at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) U.P and the guest of honor Prof. Bharat Kumar Tiwari from Yoga Department of RDVV Jabalpur (M.P) share their views in the conference in which both of them elaborate the importance of Yoga in the human life.
By addressing the session, the Vice-chancellor of the SRU Prof. S.K Singh congratulate the awardees and gave the warm welcome of the guests of the session and said that the conference organized at international level for the students with an objective that the students involve their selves to enhance the great opportunities in their particular fields.
The technical session of the international conference also addressed from U.S.A, Indonesia, South America. Total four technical session held including two offline sessions and two online sessions were scheduled in which delegates present their paper. The keynote speaker of the fourth technical session was Prof. Om Narayan Tiwari, Dean Faculty of Yoga (University of Patanjali, Haridwar) and the session was chaired by the Prof. Rajesh Singh.
Best Paper Presentation and Best Manuscript Awards presented by the chief guest to total 16 delegates for their best presentation through offline and online mode based on their own sub tittles. At the end, delegates of the conference also share their experiences of the three-day International Conference.
The convener of the conference Dr. Kaptan Singh in his welcome address said that Yoga is the earliest intellectual knowledge of India. It is important for physical health as well as psychological. Saurabh Kumar Shama expressed his gratitude. In the event Dr. Namrata Chauhan, Dr. Radhika Chandrakar was present, and the vote of thanks given by Dr. Keval Ram Chakradhari. The Pro-Chancellor of the University, Shri Harsh Gautam congratulate all the awardees for their best paper presentation as well as all the delegates and key notes speakers.