CG NEWS: 8 institutions of big defaulters sealed
CG NEWS: 8 institutions of big defaulters sealed
Raipur. Municipal Corporation Raipur Commissioner Abinash Mishra has instructed all the zone commissioners, revenue officers, assistant revenue officers of the Municipal Corporation to conduct a campaign to collect the outstanding revenue from all the big defaulters strictly as per the rules in all the wards of all the zones of the Municipal Corporation Raipur. Giving top priority to the interest of the institutions, instructions have been given to ensure continuity and in case of non-payment of dues in the institutions of big defaulters, to take action of sealing and attachment against the concerned. As per the instructions of the Commissioner, the Revenue Department teams of all the 10 zones are continuously running an intensive campaign every day in the presence of Zone Commissioners, Revenue Officers, Assistant Revenue Officers to recover the outstanding revenue from the defaulters. Today, in this sequence, the teams of Municipal Corporation Revenue Department took strict action to seal 8 institutions concerned for non-payment of dues to the Corporation. During the proceedings, Rs 359697 was immediately transferred to the Corporation Revenue Department. Payment was received at the site.
Today, the team of Municipal Corporation Zone 8 Revenue Department, in the area of Ward 19, collected the total dues of Rs 1434242 from the premises of big defaulters of the corporation, Shanti Devi, Amit, Ayush Kedia, Lalit Kumar Manghilal, Anand Kunwar, BN Patel since the year 2016-17. Took action for recovery of Rs. During this period, action was taken at four places and three places were sealed. During this period, a defaulter paid Rs 98231 to the corporation. The dues were paid. The team of Zone 1 reached the house of Sanjay Aggarwal, a big defaulter of the Corporation since the year 2016-17, in Ward 17 and recovered Rs. 214381 Sealing action taken for non-payment of dues. The team of Zone 1 received the entire dues of Rs 201466 for the year 22-23 from Chhattisgarh Jut Miel in Ward No. 5. Received immediate payment. In ward number 3, Rs 736075 from the year 2016-17. A notice was pasted giving the big defaulter Sudama Mal a last opportunity of 3 days to pay the entire dues. The team of Zone 3 Revenue Department has collected Rs 217968 from the year 2016-17 in ward number 11 under the zone. Strict action was taken to seal the site immediately for non-payment of dues by the office of Shilpi Steel, a big defaulter.
Municipal Corporation Zone 4 Revenue Department took action against the defaulting shopkeepers at Kalibari Check and the shops of 3 defaulters were sealed. MS Shop No. 35 collected Rs 56635. Bablu Kannauj shop number 7 earned Rs 56635. Including the amount immediately outstanding by the defaulter of shop number 9 is Rs 60 thousand. The payment was made to the corporation’s team at the site.
Today the corporation has collected Rs 3034037. By running a campaign against the demand bill notices, action was taken to seal the institutions of 8 big defaulters. During the proceedings, the team of Corporation Revenue Department recovered Rs 359697. Was paid immediately. As per the instructions of the Commissioner, the campaign will continue by the Revenue Department teams of all the 10 zones, giving top priority to the interest of the Municipal Corporation. The Municipal Corporation Revenue Department has once again appealed to all the defaulters to immediately pay the entire amount of outstanding revenue to the Municipal Corporation Revenue Department team and be safe from the inconvenience of the proceedings. Otherwise, sealing and attachment action will be taken proactively as per rules.