Bird flu in Raigarh poultry farm
State and district level rapid response team formed
Citizens need not panic
Raipur 01 February 2025: On receiving information about sudden death of large number of birds in Government Poultry Farm Raigarh on 30th January, a team of veterinarians was formed at the state level for investigation. The formed team visited the field and sent samples for investigation to National High Security Animal Disease Institute, Anandnagar, Bhopal and Western Region Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. National High Security Animal Disease Institute, Bhopal confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (bird flu) in the samples of poultry carcasses sent from Government Poultry Farm Raigarh, Chhattisgarh on 31st January 2025. Bird flu is a fatal infectious disease in birds. In India, no cases of transmission of bird flu virus from one person to another have been seen, however, all people need to be constantly cautious about its symptoms and infection risks. Bird Flu is a “Scheduled Disease” under the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act 2009, for the prevention and control of which action has to be taken as per Avian Influenza Action Plan Revised 2021 of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department, Government of India.
Taking immediate action on the information of disease outbreak, State level and District level Rapid Response Team was constituted. The District Administration destroyed poultry birds, eggs, poultry feed and other materials of the Government Poultry Farm as per rules. 1 km radius area of the Government Poultry Farm is being declared as infected zone and poultry eggs and poultry feed is being destroyed, for which compensation will be provided to the affected animal keepers / persons as per the rates fixed by the Government of India. 1 to 10 km radius of the project. The area was declared a surveillance zone and instructions were given to keep poultry and egg shops completely closed and to carry out sero surveillance. A control room has been set up at the state level and all the concerned departments have been informed and requested to take action as per the guidelines. All Joint/Deputy Directors of Veterinary Services and Managers of Poultry Farms have been directed to follow all biosecurity instructions and be vigilant and submit a report to the state level control room every day. It is appealed to the general public that there is no need to panic about the bird flu outbreak in the Government Poultry Farm, Raigarh. All necessary action has been taken in the affected area, there is no report of large number of deaths of poultry birds in any other area of the state. Poultry products are rich in nutrition and play an important role in removing malnutrition. Therefore, poultry products cooked with hygiene and care can be consumed.