ARO, RI, ARI should strictly collect revenue from all the wards of the zone and ensure the fulfillment of the set revenue target.
ARO, RI, ARI should strictly collect revenue from all the wards of the zone and ensure the fulfillment of the set revenue target.

Raipur – Today, as per the orders of Raipur Municipal Corporation Commissioner Mr. Abinash Mishra, Zone 9 Commissioner Mr. Santosh Pandey called a meeting of all RIs, ARIs including Assistant Revenue Officer Mr. Vijay Sharma in the Municipal Corporation Zone 9 office and reviewed the revenue collection process being done in all the 7 wards of the zone ward-wise and immediately expedited it and directed to complete the target of revenue collection of Rs. 57 crores in the 7 wards of Zone 9 with top priority to fulfill the target of Rs. 500 crores of revenue collection given by the Municipal Corporation Commissioner. Zone 9 Zone Commissioner has directed the Assistant Revenue Officer and Revenue Inspectors, Mohrirs to go to the field in all the wards of the zone and ensure that the revenue collection campaign is carried out at a fast pace every day. Also, ensure that the taxation process is done on all the empty plots on priority. Along with this, get all the trade licenses issued by Nagar Nigam physically verified to see whether the person concerned is paying commercial tax or not. If it is found that he is paying residential tax and running a commercial activity, then immediately update the records and ensure collection of commercial tax instead of residential tax. Regularization action should be taken for illegal taps as per rules and ensure collection of water tax as per rules from all the people who have got tap connections under Amrit Mission. Zone 9 Commissioner has directed the entire revenue staff to continuously visit the field and ensure 100% recovery of the target of Rs 57 crore given to Zone 9 for the year 2024-25 with top priority.