
Allotment of election symbols to the candidates of Raipur Lok Sabha constituency

Allotment of election symbols to the candidates of Raipur Lok Sabha constituency

Raipur. 38 candidates are in the fray for Raipur Lok Sabha constituency number 8 and they have been allotted election symbols. in these Lotus seal to Brijmohan Agarwal from Bharatiya Janata Party, elephant seal to Mamta Rani Sahu from Bahujan Samaj Party, hand to Indian National Congress Shri Vikas Upadhyay, pressure cooker to Anil Mahobia from Right to Recall Party, Mohd. from Corruption Mukti Party. Tire to Amin, Shri Ashish Kumar Tiwari from Aap Aapke Apni Party with lotus nib with seven rays, flute to Dayashankar Nishad from Bharatiya Shakti Chetna Party, unique to Shri Neeraj Saini Pujari from Dhu Sena, pitambar from Azad Samaj Party (Kanshi). A kettle to Jangade, a glass to Peelaram Anant from Sundar Samaj Party, an auto-rickshaw to Bhanjan Jangade (advocate) from Bharatiya Bahujan Congress, a court to Yashutosh Lahere from Ambedkarite Party of India, a coconut farm to Shri Lakhmu Ram Tandon from Rashtriya Jan Sabha Party, Engineer Lal Bahadur Yadav Godwana Aari Chaap from Gantantra Party, Battery torch to Save Vishwajit Harode from Socialist Unity Center of India (Communist), Gas-cylinder to Savita Shailendra Banjare from Shakti Sena (India Country), Bucket to Suresh Kumar Netam from Hamar Raj Party. , Sewing machine to Shri Hiranand Nagwani (Ashok Bhaiya) from Republican Party of India (.), Dish antenna to Independent Amarnath Chandrakar, Dr. Javelin thrower to Omprakash Sahu, Mohd. Watermelon to Imran Khan, Mohd. Truck to Nasir, carpet to Noori Khan, lady purse to Nandini Nayak, headphones to Mr. Pravishant Salomon, gas stove to Mr. Praveen Jain, CCTV camera to Mr. Bodhan Lal Fariksa, Eng. Laptop to Bhanu Pratap Tande, Apple to Mr. Manoj Verma, Diamond to Yakub Khan, Water Ship to Mr. Rajesh Dhruv, Air Conditioner to Radheshwari Gaikwad, Kadai to Ramakrishna Verma, Cupboard to Ramprasad Prajapati, Press to Rohit Kumar Patil, Vinayak Dhamgaye. Sugarcane farmer Sudhanshu Bhushan has been allotted a black board, Syed Irshad has been allotted the election symbol of a baby walker.

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