
Alert for Raipur-Bastar division, chances of rain in these districts

Alert for Raipur-Bastar division, chances of rain in these districts

The weather of Chhattisgarh is continuously changing. There is sunshine during the day and storm and rain at night. For the last 4 or 5 days, the weather has started becoming slightly humid in the evening. Similar weather is going to be seen in the coming week also. Therefore, the Meteorological Department has issued an alert in Raipur, Bilaspur, and Bastar divisions.

Let us tell you that with the change in weather, up to 60 mm of rain has fallen in Raipur, Durg, Bastar and Surguja divisions. If we talk about Lormi and Simga, the rainfall here has been only 20 mm. Dongargarh is experiencing the highest temperature. 42.5 degrees have been recorded here. The lowest temperature has been recorded in Ambikapur. 21.6 degrees have been recorded here.

Where will it rain in the future
There is a possibility of rain in Balodabazar, Gariaband, Mahasamund and Dhamtari in Raipur division. In Bilaspur division, there may be rain in Penderrod, Raigarh, Mungeli, Korba, Janjgir-Champa. There is a possibility of rain in Balod, Bemetara, Kabirdham and Rajnandgaon in Durg division. Apart from this, there will be heavy rain in Dantewada, Kondagaon, Sukma, Kanker, Bijapur and Narayanpur in Bastar division.

editor ji

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