
Air India Steps In: 30 First Officers Deputed to Boost Vistara’s A320 Operations

Air India Steps In: 30 First Officers Deputed to Boost Vistara's A320 Operations

Vistara, an airline that flies people to different places, has been having some problems lately. They’ve been struggling because they don’t have enough crew members available to fly their planes. This means they’ve had to cancel some of their flights, which is not good for the people who want to travel with them. In fact, they’ve had to reduce the number of flights they operate every day by about 10%. Before all this trouble started, Vistara used to fly a little over 300 flights every day.

One big problem they’ve faced is that some of their pilots have been getting sick, which has made it even harder for them to keep their flights running smoothly. In the first week of April alone, they had to cancel about 150 flights because of this. The boss of the airline, Vinod Kannan, has promised to make things better for the pilots. He’s said that he understands they need a better schedule and more balance between their work and personal life.

To help out with their pilot shortage, another airline called Air India has stepped in. They’ve sent over 30 of their own pilots, called first officers or co-pilots, to help fly Vistara’s planes. These new pilots are being trained to fly a specific type of plane called the A320, which is one of the types of planes Vistara uses. However, it will take about a month for them to finish their training and be ready to fly with Vistara.

Despite all these challenges, Vinod Kannan says things are getting better. He sent an email to all the staff at Vistara, saying that they’ve managed to improve their on-time performance, which means more flights are leaving and arriving on schedule. He also said they’re working on making their operations more resilient, which should help them avoid problems like these in the future. So, even though things have been tough for Vistara lately, it seems like they’re working hard to get back on track.

muskan s

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