CG NEWS : On the suggestions of councilors of Zone 5 and 7, the Mayor gave instructions to improve cleanliness and drinking water system in the wards.
CG NEWS : On the suggestions of councilors of Zone 5 and 7, the Mayor gave instructions to improve cleanliness and drinking water system in the wards.

Raipur. Today Municipal Corporation Raipur Mayor Ejaz Dhebar reached the Municipal Corporation Zone 5 and Zone 7 offices and met Zone 7 President Maniram Sahu, Zone 5 President Representative Vijetha Yadav, Leader of Opposition Meenal Choubey, MIC members Gyanesh Sharma, Ritesh Tripathi, Jitendra Aggarwal, Kumar. Menon held a meeting in the presence of the concerned officials of Zone 5 and Zone 7 and reviewed the works of Zone 5 and 7 and gave necessary instructions. The Mayor asked for suggestions from all the councilors on development works and public problems. Mayor Ejaz Dhebar, on the suggestion of Leader of Opposition Meenal Choubey, directed the Zone 5 Zone Commissioner to immediately address the problem of inconvenience to the residents due to the problem of water logging due to construction of new residential colonies from Bramhapuri to Bhatagaon and lack of drainage system for dirty water. To find a solution, instructions have been given to get a survey done in the said area and make a proposal to build a new drain soon. The Mayor has given instructions to immediately take appropriate action on the suggestion given by all the councilors of Zone 5 to appoint additional sanitation workers in every ward to improve the cleanliness system. On the suggestion of the ward councillors, to solve the problem of water shortage in the wards before the summer season, it has been asked to conduct a joint survey of all the wards with the team of Amrit Mission and ensure that the problem is solved as soon as possible. The Mayor has directed the Zone Commissioners and Assistant Revenue Officers of Zone 5 and Zone 7 to ensure 100% revenue collection in the interest of Raipur Municipal Corporation and to give top priority to revenue collection. Nahapor has given instructions to the Zone Commissioner to take necessary action to get drains constructed in the wards of Zone 7 as per the practical requirement as per the suggestions of the ward councilors.
Mayor Ajaz Dhebar has given instructions to the concerned Zone Commissioners and Executive Engineers of Zone 5 and Zone 7 to take appropriate action on all the public welfare suggestions received from the councilors of Zone 5 and Zone 7 in the view of quick resolution of public problems.