Municipal Corporation action:₹87,720 fine imposed on 141 places for not keeping dustbins and littering

Raipur – As per the instructions of Raipur Municipal Corporation Commissioner Vishwadeep, preparations are in progress every day under the guidance of senior officials of Municipal Corporation Health Department by the teams of Municipal Corporation Headquarters Health Department, Swachh Bharat Mission Branch, Health Department of all 10 zones in Raipur Municipal Corporation area. Public awareness is being created among the citizens about cleanliness. At the same time, those who spread dirt and garbage and those who do not keep dustbins in shops are being warned and fined continuously. Under this, the teams of Municipal Corporation Headquarters Health Department and Health Department of zones, while creating awareness about cleanliness under Swachh Survey Campaign, have imposed a fine of Rs 74820 on the concerned people at various 112 places for spreading dirt in the market areas of all 10 zones of the Municipal Corporation, giving them a strict warning for the future. At the same time, when dustbins were not found in 29 shops during inspection, a fine of Rs 12900 was collected from the concerned 29 shop owners by giving them a strict warning for the future. In this way, a total fine of Rs 87720 has been imposed by the teams of the Municipal Corporation Health Department at a total of 141 places for spreading dirt and not keeping dustbins. Today, in Dumratarai under Municipal Corporation Zone 10, Municipal Corporation Health Officer Dr. Tripti Panigrahi conducted a surprise site inspection in the presence of the concerned health officers to get information about the actual situation on the complaint of Shubham’s Mart spreading dirt in the empty plot next to it. During the inspection, the public complaint received regarding dirt was found to be correct at the spot. Taking it seriously, Municipal Health Officer Dr. Tripti Panigrahi, while giving a strict warning for the future, immediately imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on the concerned manager of Shubham’s Mart.