
Bhilai Steel Plant recorded record production in 2023

Bhilai. Bhilai Steel Plant has recorded record production levels in several areas during the calendar year 2023. For the first time the plant has crossed the 5 million tonne mark in salable steel production and loading for dispatch in a calendar year. The year 2023 recorded the best ever salable steel production of 5.26 million tonnes, which is much higher than the previous best of 4.66 million tonnes recorded in the year 2022. Similarly, the best ever loading of 5.23 million tonnes of salable steel for dispatch in the year 2023 was recorded, surpassing the previous best loading of 4.68 million tonnes achieved in the year 2021. The plant has recorded the best performance in hot metal production from blast furnace and crude steel production from steel melting shops, surpassing the 13 year old record. The year 2023 recorded the best ever hot metal production of 5.93 million tonnes, surpassing the production of 5.52 million tonnes recorded in the year 2010. It is noteworthy that Blast Furnace-8 has produced 2.66 million tonnes of hot metal in the year 2023, surpassing the previous best production of 2.55 million tonnes of hot metal recorded in the year 2021. Also, the plant’s blast furnace recorded the best Coal Dust Injection rate (CDI) of 121 kg per tonne hot metal, surpassing the previous best CDI rate of 110 kg per tonne hot metal recorded in the year 2022. The plant recorded its best ever crude steel production of 5.63 million tonnes in the year 2023, which is much higher than the previous best crude steel production of 5.24 million tonnes achieved in the year 2009. In the year 2023, Steel Melting Shop-3 has achieved a new achievement by producing a total of 3.39 million tonnes of cast steel. Under which SMS-3 has produced 1.13 million tonnes of best cast blooms and 2.25 million tonnes of cast billets, surpassing the previous best record recorded in the year 2022.
Recorded production. The total sinter production in the year 2023 was recorded at 8.55 million tonnes, which is much higher than the 8.00 million tonnes sinter production recorded in the year 2022. This also includes the best sinter production of 5.86 million tonnes produced by SP-3. Refractory Materials Plant-3, the other Modex unit of the plant, recorded the best ever total production of 6.00 lakh tonnes, surpassing the production of 4.64 lakh tonnes recorded in the year 2022. In the rail production sector, Universal Rail Mill, Modex unit of BSP, recorded the best ever prime rail production of 8.34 lakh tonnes in the year 2023, which is much higher than the prime rail production of 7.41 lakh tonnes achieved in the year 2022. The mill, which produces the world’s longest 130 meter rail, recorded the best ever long rail production of 8.01 lakh tonnes, surpassing the previous best of 6.99 lakh tonnes achieved in the year 2022. The Rail & Structural Mill of the plant also recorded the best long rail production of 1.68 lakh tonnes, surpassing the previous best of 1.50 lakh tonnes long rail production recorded in the year 2014. With a best ever total long rail production of 9.69 lakh tonnes in the year 2023, the plant has surpassed the previous best of 8.42 lakh tonnes achieved in the year 2022.
Crossed. The Bar & Rod Mill of the plant produced 9.69 lakh tonnes of finished production, surpassing the previous best production of 8.14 lakh tonnes achieved in the year 2022. The plate mill has also recorded its best ever special steel plate production. In the production sector of Special Grade Plates, production of 1.20 lakh tonnes of Boiler Quality Plates was recorded, which is much higher than the 1.11 lakh tonnes achieved in the year 2021. Also registering best ever High Tensile Plate production of 2.81 Lakh Tonnes, surpassing the previous best of 2.34 Lakh Tonnes achieved in the year 2014. Bhilai Steel Plant recorded highest ever total loading of 2.91 million tonnes for direct dispatch in calendar year 2023, higher than 2.68 million tonnes recorded in calendar year 2022.

muskan s

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