“Tiger in Bhopal: SUV driver scared after spotting two tigers on a road near Bhopal, crashes into a tree.”
Bhopal: In Bhopal, the presence of tigers in the Chandanpura, Jagran Lake City, and Motherbull Farm areas has caused a lot of fear among residents. In the last 24 hours, tigers have killed two cows. As a precaution, the forest department has closed the roads in the Chandanpura area to ensure the safety of the people. On Friday morning, the sudden sighting of two tigers on the road near Jagran Lake City startled an SUV driver, causing the vehicle to lose control and crash into a tree. Eyewitness Rajesh Jain reported seeing one large and one small tiger roaming in the area, which has created a tense atmosphere among the locals. Ranger Shivpal Pipalde mentioned that the road is closed due to the tigers’ movements, and a search operation is ongoing. Local residents have noted that tiger activity has been observed in the Chandanpura and Motherbull Farm areas for the past four days. Heavy vehicles like dumpers frequently pass through this area at night, and many local people also walk on the road in the morning and evening. The forest department has urged everyone to stay alert and avoid these areas.
According to tiger enthusiast Rashid Noor, tigers have been spotted 10 to 12 times in the last 10 months. Just 15 to 20 days ago, a tiger was seen following a car, and the video of this incident went viral on social media. Previously, during the rainy season, a tiger was also spotted near Chandanpura 13 Shutter. Rashid has been observing tiger movements in this area since 2014. In the Chandanpura region, there’s always a movement of five to six tigers. In the last three months, about three to four cows have been killed by tigers. Tigers are also hunting cows near Motherbull Farm, but the forest department does not publicly share this information. There is a persistent odor of decaying livestock in the area.