
Diabetes patients should eat roti made from ragi flour, blood sugar level will be controlled

The number of diabetes patients is increasing very fast these days. This disease is caused by bad lifestyle and wrong diet. People suffering from diabetes should control their blood sugar level. Diabetes patients have to follow their diet very thoughtfully. The glycemic index tells how fast which food item can increase the blood sugar level.

In such a situation, if roti made from ragi flour is eaten instead of wheat roti, then it can prove to be a boon for them. Ragi is also called finger millet. Calcium, potassium, protein, carbohydrates, riboflavin, nicotine, thiamine, iron folic acid and phosphorus are found in ragi. Due to the low glycemic index of ragi, it is a better food for diabetes.

According to Mishra, General Physician and Immunization Officer, North East District, New Delhi, if insulin is not used properly in the body, the blood sugar level becomes unbalanced, which causes diabetes. Foods rich in carbohydrates negatively affect blood sugar. On the other hand, eating roti made of ragi has a positive effect on diabetes patients. The nutrients found in it improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Diabetes patients start having the problem of weak bones. Important nutrients like iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are found in ragi. Especially due to the presence of high amount of calcium, it makes our bones strong. Adequate amount of iron is found in it, which also removes the problem of anemia.

muskan s

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