Madhya Pradesh

Citizens’ awareness about information, prevention and treatment of AIDS infection is important in the fight against AIDS: Deputy Chief Minister Shukla

Citizens' awareness about information, prevention and treatment of AIDS infection is important in the fight against AIDS: Deputy Chief Minister Shukla

Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla has said that “Prevention is better than cure”. If we remain aware of our health and healthy lifestyle, get regular checkups done, then we will stay out of the vicious cycle of disease. It is important to be health conscious and alert about the dangers. Deputy Chief Minister Shri Shukla appealed to all citizens through a video message to participate in the state-wide “India Fights HIV and STI” campaign.

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Shukla said that awareness of citizens and youth about the causes, prevention and treatment of AIDS infection is necessary for its control. This serious disease can also prove fatal due to negligence. The Deputy Chief Minister said that getting the right information about HIV-AIDS, getting HIV tested on risk behavior and starting ART treatment as soon as possible in case of HIV-positive. All people have to be aware of these three points, be active, be alert and help in making others aware.

Awareness is necessary for open discussion and removal of misconceptions

Minister of State for Public Health and Medical Education Narendra Shivaji Patel launched the state-wide “India Fights HIV and STI” awareness campaign from Samanvay Bhavan Bhopal. Minister of State Mr. Patel said that it is necessary for the entire society including the youth and the family to be aware of HIV-AIDS infection. So that they can express their views openly and get their queries resolved. Follow safe behavior, as well as citizens should not hesitate to get themselves tested and treated on time. Minister of State Mr. Patel said that a healthy Madhya Pradesh is necessary for a healthy India. Awareness is necessary for good health. The Minister of State appreciated the participation of the members of Madhya Pradesh State AIDS Control Committee, members of Red Ribbon Club and other social welfare organizations in the campaign and wished for the success of the campaign.

Awareness will be created for timely testing and consumption of medicines

Director Madhya Pradesh State AIDS Control Committee and Secretary Public Health and Medical Education Mrs. Surabhi Gupta informed that 206 ICTC centers are operating in the state, where free testing of HIV virus and counseling is also done before and after the test. Free treatment and medicine distribution is done to infected patients in 33 ARTs operating in the state. He informed that about 6 thousand cases of HIV-AIDS infection were received in Madhya Pradesh last year and about 1200 patients died due to various AIDS related diseases. He said that the main reason for this was found to be not getting tested on time and not consuming medicines. Efforts will be made in the campaign to make citizens aware in this direction so that such a situation can be controlled.

Awareness activities will run for 2 months

It is noteworthy that from 12 August to 12 October 2024 (2 months), a state-wide intensive awareness campaign “India Fights HIV and STI” will be conducted. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness about HIV-AIDS among the general public, especially among the youth in the age group of 15 to 49 years, so that they can be aware of their safety. Also, they can get the benefit of testing and treatment services under the National AIDS Control Program. Efforts will also be made in the campaign to remove misconceptions about HIV infected and affected persons so that discrimination can be prevented.

Awareness activities will be conducted especially in rural areas in the campaign. Awareness activities will be organized in village meetings and during village health, cleanliness and nutrition days with the help of the staff of National Health Mission and National AIDS Control Program and NGOs, NSS etc. Awareness activities will be conducted in schools and colleges and other educational institutions. The campaign will have a special focus on 10 priority districts of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, Barwani, Khargone, Dhar, Satna, Sheopur, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Shivpuri and Ratlam. Along with awareness activities in the dense settlements of the city, various means of communication will be used in conducting awareness activities.

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