
99% people are eating soaked almonds in the wrong way

Among dry fruits, almonds are consumed the most. It is a powerhouse of nutrition. It is used for everything from muscle building to sharpening memory. To include it in the diet, almond kernels are soaked. After this, it is peeled and consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. But people make a big mistake here.

Almost every household eats almonds and we have been doing this for thousands of years. But still 99 percent of people do not know the right way to eat almonds. Some people eat it raw, while others eat it after soaking it. At the same time, many people soak them and peel them and eat them. They feel that its peel contains more heat.

Which of these 3 ways of eating almonds is the best? We will know about this and will also know which people should eat almonds after peeling them. But before that, let us know how much power is there in almonds?

Almonds contain about 21 percent protein by weight. If you eat 100 grams of almond kernels, you will get about 21 grams of protein. USDA says that along with protein, you can get fiber, energy, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, vitamin E, vitamin A and many more vitamins and minerals from this dry fruit.

You can eat almonds in any way you want. But when it comes to the best way, it is considered good to eat it after soaking it. Because the peel contains phytic acid which does not allow some vitamins or minerals to be absorbed. Soaking also makes digestion of almonds easier.

When almonds are soaked, the phytic acid reduces or becomes inactive. Because of this, you can eat soaked almonds along with the peel. Rather, the peel is full of many nutrients. This increases the strength of almonds. Yes, some people should eat almonds after peeling them.

editor ji

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